Although our land-lady didn't get home to find the power on until 10:40 pm, she did call & let us know that the electricity is back on in our little trailer.... only 133 hours w/o power (5 days 13 hours, which translated into 6 days away)... but who's counting?! ;-)
Later this morning I must begin the sad task of extricating us (and all our accumulated stuff) from the Ramey household. Clothes, baby food jars, mail, play pen, tin of tea, baby toys, still un-eaten cranberry-pear pie... (maybe I'll send that one to work with Hubby tomorrow!) The sheets for the air mattress need washing, one warm down comforter needs to be relinquished, and alas but the carnivorous couches must be vacated for some time to come.
It's been a grand stay at Chez Ramey though...
......warmth... enchiladas... Halo... meeting SB... tea & shortbread... working washer & dryer... access to Xanga at 5am.... Woodchuck cider..... adult-style sleep-overs (which means we're supposed to go to bed BEFORE dawn!)... NCS drama scenes DVD (2x)--yes, they really were that good!... lasagna.... Narnia movie.... one giggling-while-teething baby.... home-made egg-nog... Martins.... catching up with the Rameykim after two months of schedule-busyness induced absences (I think 5 & 1/2 days straight has amply made up for that!.... Fiesta's..... Jack Knipe--here's to a fellow speed-demon Jersey-ian... Hollister & Hot Topics (in the same mall trip ).... mint-chocolate-Andes candies cookies, all 7 dozen of 'em.... Who's your Daddy? onesies [Ans: Darth Vader]... stumping 20Q.... wine with milk .....scarring teen-age boys who think they're not easily embarrassed .... Shit Happens posters.... Mike's Hard Lime... DodgeBall (the movie) at 1 am.... birthday bashes for N8 the Great.... 147 pancakes.... Rachel's visit.... tail lights smashed out by ice-laden tree branches.... a glass of cab.... Bonnie-at-the-shooting-range story.... a town called Honea Path... big pot 'o chili on a cold day.... good times with friends, both old & new. Thanks guys!!!
On food. Again. Part 6. Tribe.
5 years ago
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