Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"No" news *is* good news

Related to the previous post on sovereignty, this is the announcement I wound up sending out:

God is Good.
Late Friday afternoon, we got word that DH had not been selected for the ISO position with ___. For anyone tempted to say "Of course he didn't get it, there were people already inside the dept. going for it. They always hire the internal applicants!" I have a question. Why are we so quick to say "yeah!! God did it!" when we like the outcome, but so slow to say "Yeah!! God did it!" when we don't like the outcome??  The God in question is the same God--a good, truly all-powerful God--our kind, loving, heavenly Father who *does* have our good (for His glory) at heart.... So why do we so quickly dismiss the direct answer to specific prayer that we don't like as though God missed something, or messed up, or wasn't powerful enough to work the answer we wanted??  God *could* have given DH the job with ___ but He didn't. Therefore... we're OK with it. *smiles*
In other news... DH has an initial interview on Wednesday (the 15th) for a different position with ___. We would appreciate your continued prayers for the Lord's will to be worked in our lives. Thank you all!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well this sucks! (On Sovereignty)

I'm trying to balance giving information (he didn't get the job) with affecting people's response to that info.  It's all too easy to say "yeah, of course he didn't get the job, they never hire outsiders if someone is looking to transfer inside the company," which is generally true; but that's not the whole story.  If DH *had* gotten the job, we would all quickly say "Yep, God worked!"  But did He work any less in this situation?? He superintended in affairs & DH didn't get the job.  God was no less at work in his not being selected than He would have been if DH had been selected.
So (in trying to frame a notification to interested parties e-mail) I'm trying to convey that (God's sovereign & that we're OK with it). Because a number of people responded "so he'll probably not get it because there are people inside going for it too" right off the bat after that e-mail went out. And I was thinking... but... *splutters* ....but that's not the point.  The point is God can do what He pleases... I mean, God knows what's best for us and for His glory... if he's to get the job he'll get it no matter who else is going for the job.  As we found out late Friday afternoon though, DH's employment in this position is not part of that.

And if you think I've been rambling so far... keep reading. ;-)  The "assistant to the Pastor" has been doing a series on doctrine Sunday nights.  A couple of weeks ago, his big theme was the sovereignty of God. And how sometimes it's hard for us to reconcile the "bad things happen" with an "all-powerful  (therefore could have done something about it) God." DH says to me afterwards, "you know, I think he missed a good opportunity."  I'm like whaaa??? What did I miss? LOL.  He's like, "what a comfort it is that even when "evil" happens, God is GOOD. Which is a heck of a lot better alternative than "crap keeps happening AND God (who might otherwise act benevolently on my behalf) is a corrupt evil bully too."  Now that would be depressing! *chuckles* But God IS good, and there is tremendous comfort in that. Even when we don't get the answers we think we want. :-)
And that ramble is the background for my question above--why are we so quick to say "yeah!! God did it!" when we like the outcome, but so slow to say "Yeah!! God did it!" when we don't like the outcome??  The God in question is the same God--a good, truly all-powerful God--our kind, loving, heavenly Father who *does* have our good (for His glory) at heart... So why do we so quickly dismiss the direct answer to specific prayer that we don't like as though God missed something, or messed up, or wasn't powerful enough to work the answer we wanted??  God *could* have gotten DH that particular job but He didn't. Therefore... we're OK with it. *smiles*
God IS Good.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

On Cleaning Up Messes

Fall must be my favorite time of year to clean. Between the crisp cool(er) air blowing in windows (causing curtains to dust for me), the crunch of leaves on the ground (reminding me of the distinctive "crunch" of my kitchen floor), the smell of fireplaces and wood stoves starting up again... if I ever really "get" the cleaning bug, it's in the fall. But sometimes (like today), I stop and sit and read other's thoughts and find an uncanny resemblance to my own thoughts mirrored by almost all of my favorite writers. So here are a few links on "cleaning" of various types for your consideration and meditation.

Molly's: Pacify Me: Dealing with Big Emotions Vs. Stuffing/Burying/Masking

Amy's: Having it All Together

and Lisa's: Not Exactly Home and Gardens

All well worth the down-time from fall cleaning to read. Enjoy!!