Words... some are 4-lettered... some that aren't should be. =) OK. Got that out of my system. Received a letter from my folks this week (that has nothing to do with 4 lettered words). Turns out my mom wrote a poem just before being diagnosed with diabetes.... back before she had a clue as to why everything physical was going so weird on her. Apparently Mom & Dad thought I'd gotten a copy of said poem, because when it came up around Christmas time they both acted like I should have a clue as to what they were talking about. I didn't... but that's not unusual. ;-) Anyway..... thought I'd share it.
The Lord is my Potter
The Lord is my Potter.
I am the clay, the work of Your hand.
When I see the awesome beautiful universe
You created out of nothing spinning in place
I have complete confidence in You.
My life will not spin out of your control.
The closer I stay to the center of Your wheel
The less I get thrown off balance as You dig out the grit -
My willful, rebellious, selfishness - sin.
I am aware of being in the hollow of Your hand
As you gently pressure me with Your fingertips.
I know I am safe as You turn my life to remake
What I have marred and messed up, so others
Can see You in my life -- Your own special design.
You encourage me as I see You work in other's lives.
I am Your clay. Christ is in me, the hope of glory.
I am complete in You. You are my hope.
Do what You see is best. You see the finished project.
Thank You Father, Potter; Lord Jesus Christ, Savior;
Holy Spirit, Guide in my life that I will be
In Your showcase of Your overflowing grace
Through all eternity - a trophy of Your grace.
--Grace J.G.R. early summer 2004
On food. Again. Part 6. Tribe.
5 years ago
Posted 1/5/2006 7:24 PM
That's neat, Mel. Thanks for posting it.
Posted 1/8/2006 3:17 PM
That was well-appreciated and beautiful. It is hard sometimes to remember that despite how we have "marred" our image of Christ, we are NOT a finished product and have not been chucked in the kiln. We are maliable (spelling?) and Christ can mold all our selfishness right the heck out of us! Thanks!
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