My sister's Hubby took on the task of cutting the placenta into strips, drying it in their dehydrator, powdering it, and then putting into capsules for the recovery period.
As a SAHM of 6 baby dragons (term of endearment, btw) there are days I crave adult interaction, days the thoughts rattling around amidst the cobwebs need to be let out, and days I simply on lurk on everyone elses' sites!
This blog is just my way to interact with a larger slice of Christendom than I am afforded "IRL." Please, if you have time, hit up my "Questions" label and share your wisdom with me. I don't do "Answers." LOL .... Maybe in another 50 years...
Even though it's an old post. . .
My sister's Hubby took on the task of cutting the placenta into strips, drying it in their dehydrator, powdering it, and then putting into capsules for the recovery period.
Hey TG!!
Yeah, I've heard of folks doing that.... I just couldn't... so mine is still in the freezer. LOL
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