To borrow a quote from Lori:
"... I'm thinking there's just a whole lot going on in people's lives right now.
sometimes it's really hard to know when to hold fast to the boundaries .... and when administrative mercy is the right response."
Yea, that pretty well sums up my life right now. Hubby and I could use your prayers. No need for particulars, just for the Lord's grace to be abundant, His mercies to be new in the morning, and His faithfulness to be steadfast. (And we know He is!) I was going to change my status on FaceBook to read "Mel is thinking that life sucks" but they took away the "is." LOL *sighs*
Thanks in advance. Love you guys!!
P.S. The Dragon Family Christmas letter & photo cards went out today. Hopefully y'alls will arrive unscathed.
On food. Again. Part 6. Tribe.
5 years ago
Posted 12/14/2007 10:20 AM
Don't know what you're facing, but your Father does and He "is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Cor. 9:8).
Much love and many prayers...Riv.
Posted 12/14/2007 11:21 PM
love yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou
hey we're kinda freeish tomorrow if you wanna chill. coart's writing his sermon for NCC (preaching this weekend) and i gotta print some band posters for N8. but i'm pretty sure we can always make time for the VanWhatsIts.
Posted 12/15/2007 11:54 AM
Thanks y'all. :-) The Lord does hear and answer prayers. You guys can be our arm-holder-uppers while we fight. The great thing is He says HE fights our battles for us... and underneath are the everlasting arms. Always. :-) The Lord is good. All the time. His mercies are new every morning, and His compassion fails not. Great is His faithfulness.
Love you guys. All you protected peoples!
Posted 12/15/2007 12:01 PM
protected peeps are the best.
of course, that brings up images of marshmallow bits behind bars, but we'll leave that for another day....
Posted 12/15/2007 12:09 PM
ROFL, Lori. :-D We (hubby and I) had an AWESOME dinner at the Melting Pot last night--which is why we never showed in Anderson. We had the sitter here at 6pm, but didn't get out the door til 7:30... so we wandered over there, got seated in like 2 minutes, and stayed til we were the last ones in that section of the restaurant. Coq au vin was incredible, as was the Bailey's Irish Creme for dessert. But I digress. We just needed a dark & quiet place to sit & eat & be able to talk w/o lots of interruptions, so we figured TMP would be ideal. It was! :-D But my trailing off about the melting pot was b/c they had marshmallows on the dipping tray for dessert. Hence my rabbit trail. Anyway, off to fold laundry & hang ornaments to the blasting Christmas music. :-)
Will be back in a while.............. (days not minutes, LOL).
Posted 12/15/2007 8:21 PM
i love rabbit trails...they lead to such interesting, unexpected places. and i love tmp. yummmmmmmmm.
Posted 12/21/2007 1:40 PM
whadup savage.
yes, the lord is good.
all the time.
as you said, we pray for the lord's grace to be abundant during this time.
praying, girl.
p.s. your date sounded marvelous!
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