Grace! ‘Tis a charming sound,
Harmonious to the ear,
Heav’n with the echo shall resound,
And all the earth shall hear.
Saved by grace alone!
This is all my plea:
Jesus died for all mankind,
And Jesus died for me.
‘Twas grace that wrote my name
In life’s eternal book;
‘Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
Who all my sorrows took.
Grace taught my wandering feet
To tread the heav’nly road;
And new supplies each hour I meet,
While pressing on to God.
Grace taught my soul to pray,
And made mine eyes o’erflow;
'Twas grace which kept me to this day,
And will not let me go.
Oh let Thy grace inspire
My soul with strength divine;
May all my pow’rs to Thee aspire,
And all my days be Thine.
Saved by grace alone!
This is all my plea:
Jesus died for all mankind,
And Jesus died for me.
Philip Doddridge
Augustus M. Toplady
FWIW, CyberHymnal has slightly different words and an extra vese that our hymnal doesn't have. I like the tune we use better too. :-)
On food. Again. Part 6. Tribe.
5 years ago
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