Before you cat lovers rush to hang me, let me assure you that I had a cat while growing up & loved her dearly. Tiger was a great cat. But now we have a neighborhood stray who seems to have taken up residence under our house. (Apparently there's cat-sized access to our crawl space.) Hubby and I thought this would be great at first, as a stray cat will usually help keep the mouse population down.
However, THIS stray has the annoying habit of meowing LOUDLY... loudly enough to wake me up from a sound sleep in the middle of the night. Even more annoying?? The cat sounds freakishly like our 3mo baby girl.
So last night (this morning) about 3am I wake from a sound sleep, hearing Little Miss whining in her crib. Since she always sleeps through the night, I went hurling from our bed to go see what was her grief before she woke up her brother (aka BD#1). When I get in their room, I find they're both sound asleep, but the sound that woke me is now easily recognized as a CAT rather than a baby.
Dang cat!! *grumbles* I'd kick it if I could get to it..... :-D